February 01, 2010

Message from Mexico

Four exclamation points, really? You just have to rub it in, don't you?

I love my parents. They probably don't mean to be cruel. But, I don't know, maybe there's something about restricted blood flow as a side effect of extreme cold weather that makes it difficult to feel all warm and fuzzy upon receiving an e-mail from them euphorically dashed off and sent via high speed connection from somewhere in the tropical depths of the Mayan Riviera, just off the coast of a grand turquoise-soaked coral reef.

It's -22 C in Inuvik right now. That's mild. It's basically spring. Apart from the 20 km/h white winds, of course. Well, the good news is, it's pretty unlikely any little furry herbivorous mammals will be seeing their shadows with such limited sunlight here, so spring has got to be on the way. I'm not sure very many groundhogs live in the Arctic, though. Can foxes predict the weather, too?

Oops, I seem to have caught these two in the middle of a game of "Watch while I pretend to freeze to death!" Fun.

Yes, spring is on its way. In the meantime, Inuvik winter is pretty chill. I can dig (out of) it.

Stay tuned: I've got a new tale of wintry bliss simmering about my recent trip to Norman Wells, NWT. Oh, simmering. My new favourite word.

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